Vintage Cyber Solutions


Technology Audit Services

We help organizations understand their key technology risks and evaluate how effectively they are mitigating and controlling those risks. Our team possesses deep expertise in recognized frameworks such as COBIT, NIST, ISO, ITIL, FFIEC, and CMMC, applying best practices gained from working with many of the world’s leading audit organizations. Our technology auditors and risk practitioners adopt a risk-minded, business-objective-focused approach, assessing and advising on virtually every aspect of how an organization uses (or should use) technology to protect and enhance enterprise value.

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Premium Services

No matter where you go. Be security smart.


Security program and governance audit, assessments against frameworks, security risk assessments and control testing programs, ransomware preparedness, incident response, technical assessments (e.g., penetration testing, threat hunting), privileged access reviews, and system and device (e.g., IoT) testing.


Cloud strategy audit and governance, security scans and assessments, assessments of cloud migration plans, controls over information access, and compliance with legal and regulatory mandates, effective implementation of the shared responsibility model, and assessment using the Well Architected Framework.

Data Governance & Privacy

Assessments of data management and data governance, data quality assessments, data privacy program reviews, data loss prevention reviews, and assessments against regulatory requirements.

Project Risk Advisory

Add an independent risk and controls audit lens to key enterprise projects for management, the audit committee, and applicable external compliance / regulatory entities. We partner throughout the project lifecycle.

Enterprise Applications

Assessments of configuration and application controls, integrity of reporting, security models, sensitive access and segregation of duties, and fit-for-purpose. We use leading commercial, as well as proprietary technology solutions.

Technology Resilience

Assess operational resilience in the context of your use of technology and data, including disaster recovery and crisis response plans, broader business resumption planning, technology infrastructure and architecture assessments, and assessments of overall technology strategy, structure and delivery capabilities.

Adopt a unified and cooperative strategy in IT management.

We are experts in identifying and assessing technology risks and controls. Our technology audit framework adopts a unified and cooperative strategy with IT management, embodying the next generation of internal auditing. We evaluate the governance and controls that support an organization’s priorities, infrastructure, and delivery approach.

Why Choose Us

Protecting your assets and your brand.

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